Kirmuss Audio - Ultrasonic Record Cleaning System KA-RC-1

Kirmuss Audio - Ultrasonic Record Cleaning System KA-RC-1

Kirmuss Audio - Ultrasonic Record Cleaning System KA-RC-1

  • $1,999.99

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No matter how you store and use your records they inevitably will require maintenance. When playing records, dust particles and contaminants always build up on the stylus as the tone arm moves across the record. This accumulation on the needle also "dulls" the sound. 

The emergence of the dreaded "audible pops" and "crackle sounds" heard are caused by dirt, grime and particles lodged in the record grooves themselves being hit by the needle, as well as static discharges, all amplified by the cartridge. All are annoying. 

Even new and latest pressings are subject to the same conditions as your old collection. Their release agents are found on the record from the pressing process and must be removed prior to use, otherwise they attract at an alarming rate dust and other airborne contaminants. 

Therefore, recommended is the continual maintenance and care of your records by way of regular cleanings which in turn reduces these unwanted pops and augments therefore one's listening pleasure and audition. Cleaning WILL NOT remove unwanted sounds caused by scratches on the record surface and depending on the age and condition of the record, even repeated cleanings may or may not restore the record to like new condition, but reduces the overall undesirable effect previously described.

EVERY ONE'S AN EXPERT! There is much nonsense published regarding the cleaning of records. Soaps, chemical mixes and brews, and especially the use of large portions of alcohol etc., these all affect the record negatively either during or after cleaning. Air drying of chemicals that are not physically removed further creates issues that are cumulative over time. Indeed, to the rescue, ultrasonic cleaners have been around for decades and its use and attributes are well known and while care must also be taken as to the introduction of chemicals in the ultrasonic bath, this cleaning technology is a very valuable tool to use. We differ in how we handle the record itself. Nonsense though, are some of the extravagant prices on cleaning machines available as all ultrasonics operate the same way. >>Many add 2.5 L of alcohol to 6 L of water, dangerous!<<<

The KirmussAudio Model KA-RC-1 revolutionizes the way we clean records. First and foremost: a Patented record suspension system assures where records of any speed and size see their grooves cleaned safely. No damage to the record by mechanical intrusion of skewers and the like. 

Secondly, only distiulled water with a maximum of 45 mL ( 1.5 oz) of ISA 71% solution constitutes the bath and where applied to the record in its second cycle is an anti-bacterial surfactant, pre and post wash neutral liquid agent is used. Ultrasonics need a surfactant to aid in the cavitation of the water solution to better clean and remove contaminants.

Warranty: 2 years parts and labor. Please fill out and mail in the warranty card that comes with your product.

There is no filter in the bath or water exchange. When the water becomes dirty, simply drain it and replace it with fresh distilled water. Drainage valve and hose included.

Timer range: 1 min to 15 min +-

Tank material: Stainless steel SUS304

Tank Capacity: 2.0 US Gallons

You can clean at one time: 2 LP's, one 78 and one 45.

There is no dryer, you hand dry. Blotting towels are included!

The Ultrasonic frequency is 35 khz

Outside size (without records inserted): Width 21.5" by High 10.75" by Deep 11.5"

Everything you need comes with the cleaning machine, nothing else to buy; drainage hose, cleaning brushes, blotting towels, all chemicals, etc. The first photo shows some of these accessories. It is plug and play ready!

THE TEAM: After 3 years of extensive research and trials audiophile and business owner Charles Kirmuss and recognized turntable restoration expert Dr. Eric Watson developed an affordable, simple to use system. With cUl and UL/CE Electrical and Safety Approvals our affordable system will increase your listening pleasure by removing most of those annoying unwanted pops and crackling sounds from both new and old records. This is not some home-made product. With Patents both issued and pending, ware also sure that You will be very pleased with the results and benefit from many years of satisfaction with our revolutionary ultrasonic based cleaner.

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